In the world we live in, you can never be too careful. There are a lot of things going on. Low income makes people more likely to steal and this is a
The Best Password Manager
Before computers, smart phones, tablets, and other devices, a password was something that most people barely needed to have. At first, even with those
3D Printers Explained
By now most people have heard of 3D printers. Anyone who has seen them in action are always impressed by what they are able to do. For others, who may
The Latest Drones
Can you imagine being able to send your robot, or drone, into the world and see everything through videos and pictures that it will take? This in esse
Parental Control Apps and Software
If you have kids and smart phones along with home computers, you know you have spent many hours wondering what your kids are up to. The internet and t
Smart TV Vs. Normal Flat Screen
Televisions have come a long way from the black and white, tiny screens that your parents and grandparents thought were amazing. Throughout history w
IP to OVH OVH to ban
In the wake of the previous IP RPS ticket to banish OVH , I found myself by chance a few hours later with exactly the same attack but coming from a ki